Since the beginning of the year Inteco has launched a training program for senior managers


Best specialists of the enterprise will meet the general director, the chief engineer and the department head and learn more about their work.

Chief criteria for the applicant selection were their long record in the company, high-quality work performance and motivation for learning and offering ideas to develop the company business.

Advanced training includes re-skilling, trainings and master classes. The heads of departments recommended their best professionals for the position of “reservists”.

To identify abilities, hidden talents and learn more about the personal qualities of future managers, they have to undergo specially selected psychological tests.

The deputy heads will be responsible for the project preparation. Each participant will have an individual training program. Throughout the entire training period, applicants for senior management positions will have to pass an exam by presenting finished projects.

After each seminar, they will have to prove the company investments in their trainings.

“Each employee will have to prepare “homework” and presentations, bringing new ideas to the company,” explains an Inteco HR specialist. – We will actively work with “growing” staff to prepare worthy candidates for the management positions.

If for some reason a manager is absent from the workplace, a “reservist” can temporary perform the duties without any breaks in operations.

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