INTECO hosted the final competition of youth developments INTECO BUR


The youth development competition is held annually and is aimed to identify young employees with high creative potential, to support youth initiatives, and to implement innovative projects.

This year, the company’s management decided to invite the winners of regional competitions to Moscow to participate in the final competition. 20 participants presented their works on complex and industrial topics to the commission members. During the competition, there was an active exchange of views between the speakers and commission members, because the participants revealed very important and relevant topics related to production and other types of production and economic activities of the company.

A presentation on the development and implementation of new flushing fluid systems for deep well drilling aroused great interest both among the participants of the competition and among the commission members.

To evaluate and identify the best among INTECO’s young specialists, authoritative specialists from the country’s leading oil and gas universities were invited.

On February 8, the commission announced the results of the competition in a solemn atmosphere. The best work on the production topic was the scientific research of the engineer of the Pricing and Costing Department “Optimization of key management performance indicators of the Department for well repair and development”. The second place was taken by a drilling engineer

with the scientific and technical research “Improving the technology of cementing oil wells in order to achieve the rise of cement to a given height and prevent inter-column and inter-layer flows”. The third place was awarded to the engineer of the Department for well repair and development, who developed a method of improving the quality of injection well repair.

“Formation of the tender cost of well construction” by an engineer of the Pricing and Costing Department was the best among complex topic works.

The contestants were congratulated by the company’s management. The company wished them to implement their researches into the production, so they could benefit the company.

The winners were awarded diplomas and money awards.

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