INTECO MC cooperates with oil and gas universities


Departments of innovation management and modeling of physical and technological processes of development have been created in higher education institutions.

The graduates of the departments are working in the fields of their master’s degree programs. The chair staff is comprised of highly qualified INTECO and INTECO MC specialists.

The opportunities for sought-after specialists training and active.

INTECO participation in educational activities of universities, involvement and effective use of intellectual, informational and material resources of the company in the educational process have become the most important results of the departments work.

During the master’s programs, the students are employed in INTECO and INTECO MC, and that gives them an opportunity, in addition to passing the curriculum, to get production experience and perform real production tasks. All postgraduates are guaranteed an internship in INTECO Group organizations, which they choose depending on specialization and subject of their research as a part of their scientific interests. It is noteworthy that the place of practical training, internship, or workplace visit, organized for students as part of the educational process, often become their future place of work. INTECO notes that this approach is particularly valuable for them, as the final consumer in the market of professional educational services: graduates who come to work can get involved in the production process with minimal time and money expenses on adaptation and completion of training. It is an obvious advantage of the company.

However, for the students themselves, in addition to the prospects of getting a job at INTECO MC, there are many advantages to joining such programs. To ensure a high level of training of students and the development of their professional competencies, the department uses multimedia equipment, 3D-visualization halls. By the way, it is worth noting that the wish is not enough to join the program. Only the best students are allowed to study at the INTECO and INTECO MC departments. Thus, the Department of modeling of physical and technological development processes annually accepts only 20 university students who have passed serious entrance tests.

In addition to preparing staff for INTECO Group, the universities cooperating with Inteco are creating the platforms for effective communication between scientific institutions and business. This approach is aimed at solving the current problems of the industry with the involvement of leading industry scientists, implementing joint research projects in the production sector, joint scientific events, as well as activating research activities in priority scientific areas.

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