Tyumen has created an algorithm of optimizing the development of oil and gas fields


Employees of the Tyumen State University and oil companies considered the issues of developing ontological models, algorithms and a software package for technological systems that are performed during the design of an oil and gas field.

In the design of complex oil and gas systems, conceptual design and system engineering are distinguished, which ensure the viability of the project by making the right decisions at the early stages of development. The complexity of oil and gas projects and the high degree of uncertainty of geological data necessitate the creation of digital engineering systems that can provide intellectual support for conceptual design processes. Such systems should ensure the generation of technological solutions that meet the specified requirements and essential operating conditions.

Thus, intelligent field conceptual design support systems allow developing technological options at the early stages of an oil and gas project, taking into account many requirements and conditions, including, with different initial data, taking into account possible limitations.

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